7th November, 2011
The rising threat to attack Iran by Israel on the pretext of disabling any attempt by Iran to achieve nuclear weapon capacity is the greatest irony and treachery of this millennia. The world is currently entangled in an intricate web of deceit and lies so much that one hardly understand who’s a friend or a foe.
One will be lost trying to define Israel's motive in this attempt, especially considering Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear non Proliferation Treaty. US and Israel have constituted themselves into some sort of a world police. In case of the earlier, it's fully in charge of policing the world while the later has assumed the regional responsibility of policing the middle east.
It may look commendable on the surface but, beneath are waves over waves of deceit, lies and elaborate schemes to subjugate the Islamic world into perpetual slavery. One may wish to know the nuclear weaponry status of Israel that it so much believe in being this holier than thou by forcing others to be nuclear weapon free. From verified records, it is believed that Israel had been in possession of operational nuclear weapons since 1967, this climaxed with the mass production of nuclear warheads immediately after the "Six-Day War".
Although no official statistics exist, it has been estimated that Israel possesses from 75 to as many as 400 nuclear weapons which are reported to include thermonuclear weapons in the megaton range. Israel is also reported to possess a wide range of different systems including neutron bombs, tactical nuclear weapons, and suitcase nukes. It is believed to manufacture its nuclear weapons at the Negev Nuclear Research Center, a highly secretive nuclear installation located near Dimona.
The Israeli government maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity on whether it has nuclear weapons, saying only that it would not be the first to "introduce nuclear weapons in the Middle East.” Former International Atomic Energy Agency Director General, Mohamed El-Baredai regarded Israel as a state possessing nuclear weapons.
Much of what is known about Israel's nuclear program comes from revelations in 1986 by Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at the Negev Nuclear Research Center who served an 18-year prison sentence as a result. It's quite amazing that neither the Israeli President, Shimon Perez nor the UN and a host of complicit Arab leaders of the region could see that Israel poses more threat to the peace of the region as well as the world more than Iran.
Since the popular Islamic revolution that ousted the puppet regime of Shah Reza Phalavi in Iran, the country has been subjected to various forms of persecution with the simple target being the radical system adopted by the new leaders which was (and still remain) in complete contrast with the values the US aspired to establish in the region.
In the words of French Foreign Minister who, at least had the common sense to forecast the disaster inherent in any attack on Iran, he confessed the brutality of the the near inhuman sanctions imposed on Iran that continued to be expanded. Going by his silence on any ongoing effort to halt these "inhuman sanctions", It's logical to assume both US and Israel don't give a hoot about the destabilization and deadly consequences the region may suffer because of these inhuman sanctions since the end result, which would be a near total annihilation of Islamic culture and any threat of its expansion and independency in the region, would justify the means.
So far, no Arab leader (political or thought) speaks a word of support in favor of Iran. Forget the Sunni/Shiite ideological differences that's more a ruse than reality or at best, more political than ideological. One doesn’t need to be an Albert Einstein to understand that any ideological agenda unleashed in the region or the world would not be magnanimous enough to discriminate between a Sunni and a Shiite Muslim when it backfires hence, it's safe to assume that the Sunni/Shiite divide is simply a convenient gimmick to protect a diabolical idea.
Muslims may have their differences and peculiarities but the fact remains, no muslim is safe from this onslaught. The earlier Muslims rise to demand an adjustment in the way regional domination is planned and executed with the connivance (passive or active) of obsolete ruling houses in the Arab world, the better the chance of the emergence of a new world order that would be fair to all stakeholders in the region and the world as one human community.
The situation is dangerously eating the most basic ideal expected of any Muslim community — unity — and is beyond pouring encomiums on the House of Saud for the easy job of maintaining the two holy mosques just as it's beyond attacking people or their beliefs each time they express reservation about the manner the Saud family is running the affairs of global Muslims.
The situation deserve calls for a total overhaul in strategic Islamic states that can use what they have to ensure fair treatment to the middle east and the rest of the Islamic world. It is time we call a spade a spade. A situation where a King Abdallah saw more of a brother in President Bush (refer to the Bush — Saudi connection by Michelle Mairesse) than in a Gaddafi or an Ahmadinajad is politically unhealthy for the region and dangerous for the Islamic world.
An American author, Craig Unger in his book "House of Bush, House of Saud" exposed the deep brotherly relation built on intricate business interest that span a period of over 30 years between the Bushes and the Sauds. This is a relationship that saw a total status compromise by the custodians of the two holy mosques. In one shot Unger asserts "that the groundwork for today's terrorist movements and the modern wars that have sprung up about them was unintentionally laid more than 30 years ago with series of business deals between the ruling Saudis and the powerful Bush family.
The Saudis received investments and military protection in exchange for cooperation on lucrative oil deals. The author claims that the result has been a shady alliance between the world's two most powerful dynasties, declaring "Never before has an American president been so closely tied to a foreign power that harbors and supports our country's mortal enemies." The poor writer was apparently suffering the same pain of political deceit as millions of muslims worldwide who felt cheated by the cosy relationship that not only compromised their political independence but their religious liberty as well.
It’s obvious even from the prompt support given to Bahrain by Saudi Arabia when the Bahranians reacted to Arab spring upheavals and demanded an end to the repressive regime of the Khalifa ruling family. Armoured personel were sent from Saudi Arabia to quell the protests. Hundreds were killed. America looked the other way and remain silent about this because it enjoys a very cosy relationship with King Hamas Bin Isa Al Khalifa.
Bahrain has been a based for US naval activity since 1947. The American Mission Hospital, affiliated with the National Evangelical Church, has operated continuously in Bahrain for more than a century. Bahrain's strategic partnership with the U.S. has intensified since 1991. Bahraini pilots flew strikes in Iraq during the 1991 Gulf war and the country was used as a base for military operations in the Gulf. Bahrain provided logistical and basing support to international maritime interdiction efforts to enforce UN sanctions and prevent illegal smuggling of oil from Iraq in the 1990s.
In the end, it's imperative to view these issues from their real perspective rather than from the fake "ideological" perspective people are being forced to look at it. We are all pawns in a diabolical game of chess which interests benefits a silent "ethnic" group which knows no race or religion but power and money. Please wake up!
7th Nov, 2011